Sign ups are now open for both the EHSC Team and the J2 Team.

NYSSRA Juniors who qualify for either or both of these events may sign up now through an online form set up on  Deadline is Friday Feb 12 at 8PM to sign up for one of these teams.  The Trip leaders will contact you with all the trip info and costs after you sign up.   There is no fee to sign up – you will have to commit to the team by paying after you get the info from the trip leaders.

EHSC Team (Th March 11- Sun March 14, Gunstock, NH): If you are a NYSSRA member and in Grades 9-12 and interested in competing on NY’s EHSC Team.  The top 24 boys or girls listed on the points list have made the team.  All other athletes under 450 points are listed as alternates.  Everyone, including alternates, who wants to participate in this trip should sign up on by Friday night.  If you do not register we will assume you are not going, and take the next person on the list who did register.  The final team will be notified via e-mail. check the Points ranking List then follow the link to the online form to sign-up.

J2 Champs Team(Fri March 5 – Sun March 7, Jackson, NH): If you are a NYSSRA Nordic Member and in the J2 age division check the J2 points list and follow the link to the online signup form.



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