1980 US Olympic Biathlon Coach Art Stegen and Sean Halligan will be continuing the program started last year to provide opportunities for junior skiers in NY to be exposed to and ultimately become more proficient in the sport of biathlon.
Our hope is to develop an informal but core group of already strong Nordic skiers who can get together on occasion to learn, train and race together as their schedule permits. The goal is to get them involved early to give them opportunities to learn the sport now since the learning curve is a fairly long one, while keeping costs to parents as low as possible. We are especially looking for kids who own or who have regular access to a rifle, but we will try to have a limited number of loaner rifles available too for new comers.
We are holding two clinics again this summer. The 2010 dates & locations are:
Clinic #1 – June 26th, Saratoga Biathlon Club
Clinic #2 – July 31st, Old Forge
We were able to set up both clinics on the Saturday before a Sunday summer biathlon race, so you can put your improved skills to the test the very next day! Plus we expect we will be able to keep them free of charge again this year thanks to the cooperation of our hosts, the Saratoga Biathlon Club & the Polar Bear Ski Club!
**Please register ASAP as participation & loner rifles will be limited!! More details will follow closer to the clinic dates for those who want to attend one or both of the clinics.
Sean & Art
518-583-6132 sean@halliganci.com (Sean)
845-255-5636 AStegen@msn.com (Art)
- 2009 Saratoga Clinic
- 2009 Old Forge Clinic
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