Dear Members of NYSSRA Nordic,

You are invited to join officers and club representatives on Sunday, September 25 at the organization’s Fall Meeting in Utica. See agenda below. Committees (morning) and the association (afternoon) will focus on decisions that will finalize schedules for the 2011-12 race season including the February 2-5, 2012 Empire State Winter Games, March 3-4, 2012 NYSSRA Nordic Championships, and other matters.

Your ideas and input on any NYSSRA Nordic issues are important. If you are not able attend the meeting, your comments can be sent by: 1) email to your club representative (see club list), or 2) email to your sport committee chair or the NYSSRA president (, or 3) a posting on the NYSSRA Forum page, or 4) the “leave a comment” at the bottom of the agenda below.

Thank you,
Darwin Roosa, President

New York State Ski Racing Association – Nordic, Inc.
SUNY Institute of Technology, Utica
Sunday, September 25, 2011

9:30 a.m. Committee Meetings
• Biathlon (Nick Gretzinger)
• Cross Country (Larry Wilkinson)
• Cross Country Masters (Jim Kobak)
• Ski Orienteering (Eric Hamilton)
• BKYSL Committee (Eric Hamilton)
• Mid-A Junior Committee (Julie Hinsdill/Margaret Maher)

Each committee is charged to
• finalize their race schedule for 2011-12 to present at the general meeting in the afternoon
• decide on events/formats for the Feb. 2-5, 2012 Empire State Winter Games and address qualifying rules
• decide on events/formats for the Mar. 3-4, 2012 NYSSRA Nordic Championships
• report on any camps or clinics
• conduct other business necessary to their sport

11:30 a.m. Lunch (BRING YOUR OWN)

12:30 NYSSRA Nordic, Inc. Meeting
I. President’s Remarks
II. Attendance – roll call of club representatives w/ eligible vote designation
III. Minutes of April 3, 2011
IV. Treasurer’s Report
V. Committee Reports (keep brief)
a. Competition Committees (see above)
b. Racer Camps – junior, senior, masters
c. NGB activities that affect us
VI. Other Committees
a. Website (David Kvam)
b. The NYS High School Beat
c. Membership (Jim Kobak)
d. Liability Insurance (Sean Halligan)
e. Officials & Coaches – training opportunities (Russ Myer)
VII. Old Business
a. 501(c)(3) status (Eric Seyse and Darwin Roosa)
b. Finalize race schedule for 2011-12 (Committee chairs)
c. 2012 Empire State Winter Games
d. 2012 NYSSRA Nordic Championships – appoint organizing committee to plan a festival style weekend
e. Proposed bylaws amendment: equal opportunity, hearing and athlete rights
f. Club issues (Jim Kobak)
g. Presentation of Presidential Citation plaques
h. A.W.A.R.D.
VIII. New Business
a. Plan for Nordic ski sport development & outreach
b. Adirondack Sports & Fitness Winter EXPO – Nov. 19-20
c. Open Forum (email ideas to Darwin Roosa
d. Proposed next meeting: Sunday, April 1, 2011 hosted by a club(s)?



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