On September 18 from 3-4:30PM, Rob Rosser, Head Coach of the US Paralympic Biathlon team, Director of Biathlon Development and a 1998 Nagano Olympic competitor, will speak at BTC auditorium on the Hudson Valley Community College Campus with two paralympic athletes on his experience and how that has helped him coach disabled athletes in Paralympic Biathlon. The athletes will contribute to the presentation as well. The presentation is sponsored by the HVCC School of Business and open to the public. We encourage all regional NYSSRA Nordic/NYB members to attend….bring your change and dollar bills as raffles will be held to raise money for both STRIDE Adaptive sports and New York’s latest Biathlon Club …part of the Capital Region Nordic Alliance located at Pineridge XC Ski Area in E Poestenkill, NY

Any questions, please call Russ Myer at 315-396-9967



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