With the cancellation of this weekends two JN qualification races in Old Forge the Mid-A organizing committee is working out options for Junior National, Eastern High School and U16 Championship qualification.  As of right now (1/3/15) this is the most up to date information available.

The Rochester JNQ (which has been in doubt due to warm temps and minimal local snow) WILL happen.  Registration, race distances and details have not yet been completely finalized (it will depend on if the 1K or 3.5K loop will be available at Bristol Mountain) but registration will be available very soon.  It will be held on the snow making loop at Bristol Mountain.  Stay tuned for that posting….it will be coming soon.

There is a chance that the Old Forge JNQ races will be rescheduled which would mean that there would be NO CHANGES to the qualification standards for the Junior trips.  Currently, Old Forge is looking into what would options would be possible. If rescheduling does happen, athletes will still have to compete in 3 of 5 races to qualify for JN’s.  If rescheduling is unable to happen, updated information will be provided about changes to the qualification standards.




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