March is an exciting time for junior racing in New York.  The week-long Junior National ski trip and the Eastern High School Championship ski weekend are just two events that highlight the long list of festivals and race weekends that cap off a winter of ski training and racing.  This year, Mid-A had some exceptional and even historic achievements at these big races.


The Mid-A team that went out to balmy Truckee, CA was as strong a group as Mid-A has seen in years.  A big congratulations has to go out to the trip leaders, coaches, staff, wax team and parents that helped build such a hard-working, talented and positive group of young athletes.  The week had so many highlights that will surely soon be touted on the website….but the true capstone had to be U18 Karl Schulz grabbing the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP in the freestyle distance race.  That is an astounding achievement.  Great job by everyone involved!  Many all-american efforts also should be recognized and there are many great pictures that can help recap that awesome weekend of racing.  Stay tuned to the Mid-A website and media pages for more in the coming days.  Full results from the weekend can be found here:

This past weekend was the Eastern High School Championship which was held in Rumford, ME.  Again, NY brought a strong group of athletes and competed well in each of the 4 races.  Nina Armstong, Gabbi Armstrong and Bryce Hartman led the way and grabbed some solid top-ten results….and many others grabbed spots in the top 20.  NY has historically struggled to field a full team of 48 athletes for this trip but this year has as large a team as they have seen (ever?) in some time.  It was eye opening for many athletes to see the strength and depth of our neighboring regions and it will serve as a big motivator for the off-season.  There are already plans for ways to get fitter, stronger, faster and better technicians.  Thanks to all the coaches and parents that made that trip possible. Results from the weekend. We hope next year the team will be even bigger!


Sarah Duclos skiing strong on her classic leg of the team relay on Sunday


All smiles despite the cold January-like tempsDCIM773GOPRO

Boys Classic mass-start on Saturday

Fast at the front!



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