One of the main goals of NYSSRA-nordic is to financially support the great clubs that help build the nordic community in New York State.  This year, we had four clubs apply for and receive a support grant for their fine work this past season.  We wanted to highlight some of what they do. If you are interested in learning more about our club support program please visit this link.

Peru Nordic Masters – Whether it is building idols, thrashing metal or shredding the trail there aren’t many clubs that do more to build an enthusiastic band of masters skiers in the north country.  They hosted the “Cookie Clash” at Dewey Mountain and raise money and awareness for the CF community.  They hold weekly training/racing events at VanHo and are the masters of unique formats and super-computers (and puppets?). NYSSRA-Nordic is awarding them with bronze level support.

Saratoga Biathlon Club – This is a group that does it all. They host nordic events, biathlon clinics and biathlon races for the young and old.  They maintain a great trail facility and traditionally host some of the finest events on the NYSSRA calendar.  They do all this while maintaining a modest but very enthusiastic membership base.  For all their hardwork they are receiving a  silver level grant.

RXCSF – If you are a youngster (or a young-at-heartster) you should know about the great work that RXCSF does in western New York. The do a phenomenal job of hosting youth events and have a passionate group of skiers looking to keep the tradition of great nordic skiing alive and well in the Rochester area.  For all their work hosting youth events and for keeping a large number of youth skiing NYSSRA-nordic has awarded them with silver level support

HURT – The big green.  Between their junior summer camp, Hurt-athon, Mega-Relay and NYSSRA Champs this crew had a busy year.  And some of them even found a way to race.  This group of passionate skiers has once again spent a year working hard to build a bigger and better community of nordic racers.  Every year seems to bring something new and we look forward to seeing what this group has in store for the 2015-16 season.  For their efforts NYSSRA-Nordic is awarding them silver level support.

If you are a club organizer, familiarize yourself with the club support process and plan on keeping track of your growth and participation.  You too could be awarded a NYSSRA-support grant!



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