For the second consecutive weekend NYSSRA racers converged at the gore ski bowl for some excellent conditions and fast racing.  Many hours of trail prep paid off and about 500 skiers were able to race in a high school race or some combination of JNQ, wilkinson cup, and NYSSRA series race.

The trail was just right, fast and not too soft, but plenty of fluff to make turns a breeze.  It rained and snowed before the start but by race time it was a beautiful day to ski.

The crowd was so large it was difficult to find a place to stand and documemt the action.IMG_20160117_161242

There were plenty of speedy racers on course and fast skiers worked together on course to put in some solid times. Alyssa Daussman and Alex Benway both turned in the top times for the open\ masters race at 9 AM. Hurt’s Owen putman and nysef’s Gabby Armstrong put in even faster winning times later in the day.

Results are up in both the NYSSRA results section and in high school beat.

High school beat results

NYSSRA race results

Compare results and see just how many fast times were put in after the masters packed the course down for the high school racers.

Prizes were plentiful as you can see.


Let’s hope the weather improves for races at Saratoga biathlon club for the next couple days  and weekends. If all goes well we will finally need kick-wax for the ADK duathlon, and Shen classic!

Adk race

Shen classic race



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