Today the 2015-16 season came to a close at The Gore Mountain ski bowl. This is nearly everyone’s new favorite race course ( a few holdouts prefer the jump complex). Without this facility NYSSRA and section 2 skiers would have had a competitive roller ski season.

As it was, we made the best we could this season, here are some highlights:

7 (or 9 depending how you count) races  on man made snow, 3 on the natural stuff. Bad news for snow vegans.

First perfect season by the NYSSRA champ in as long as I can remember.  Congrats Paul Allison!

Lowest race count for a points winner in about a decade. (tying Paul’s record).

Women’s champ beat the men’s champ for total points. In fact, for the first time that I can recall 2 women topped the red group!

First season with Pennsylvania taking part. 1/3rd of race days on natural stuff happened at the Wilderness Lodge. They had great snow!

This season was marked by top performances from the senior age class. However, The NYSSRA points leader came from the master age group last year after a long stretch of youth and senior winners.

On a sad note this marks the last season our NYSSRA points series and Wilkinson cup will be scored by the founder, Jim Kobak. Whatever sucker agrees to take on that workload has big ski boots to fill. Are you interested?


Here is some of the race recap…Champs kicked off Saturday with the ever-popular relay event. The team of Brian Halligan, Owen Putman and Aaron Huneck won the day.

Racers returned Sunday to ski 6 hilly laps of the 2.5k loop. Allison and Daussman came out on top. Biathlete Brian Halligan added a silver to his collection of NYSSRA medals and the eventual “Wilkinson Cup” winner Alex Benway was third. In the women’s race, Eliza Blood took silver over Emma Duffany, in a close finish between 3 fast racers.


Results can be found here

Team HURT claimed the championship banner for another year.

Eliza Blood, Emily Cromie and Paul Alison were among the racers who took home a NYSSRA hat for their fast Results. They are easier to photograph with their skis off.

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Bill Koch racers took on the hills with fewer complaints than their master age group counterparts. Nice job racers!


Thousands of kms were possible thanks to that big yellow gun!


And with that, I am finished.


Wait…who can resist a cute photo of Bill koch racers playing snow frizbee…..

Wait a minute, that’s the HURT varsity squad! That must be their secret.




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