This year’s NYSSRA Nordic spring meeting will be held at the glens falls country club in Queensbury.

We are seeking candidates for NYSSRA 2nd Vice president, and assistant treasurer. Officers serve 2 year terms, and play a role in shaping and supporting the sport in our region.- contact with questions or suggestions

We are currently accepting submissions for additional agenda items, and inviting members to conference call in-Please contact the NYSSRA Nordic president with submissions

We will be setting up our preliminary rollerski season schedule, please sanction your club and your races.

lunch is available for purchase, cash or check only (we are guests of Chris Freilinghouse, and it is all on his tab)

We will begin at 9:30 AM, and break into committees. Break for lunch at noon followed by the general meeting at 1

Please Join us and make next season even better.



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